Apr 12, 2002

Let's talk about my intense sadness at saying bye to my boss. He gave me lots of things I've worked on, and the spread I did, and kept being like "it went to fast" haha. He sang the "intern, intern" song to me all day and kept only calling me "intern." It was weird to be like, bye, thanks so much, and he was all I'll send you stuff and stay in touch email me, and he was sad and I was like blinking to not tear up and Michelle was making sad faces and he gave me a hug and I was off and the nice new reception grandpa guy was like "goodnight" and I was all "sniffle sniffle."

I guess I didn't realize how sad it would be. It will be sad to leave the office next Friday, because it will be the end of the whole experience, but I think this was probably sadder because I pretty much just worked with Andrew for 4 months.

We went to Deux Beers last night. We didn't pay for anything. John made us drink the grossest drinks. The thing with Deux Beers is, it's just so fun. The atmosphere and decor is fun, the people are fun, the music is usually fun, and the actual drinking is fun. Mine had tobasco and sambuca and I don't know what else in it, Erin's was bad with tabasco, worcestershire, weird bison grass vodka, and grappa! Ugh. For Adrienne he had Bailey's in one glass, sherry in another, and mixed them so it looked like cottage cheese and she drank it. At least it wasn't spicy. Glad he didn't give me that. I hate that kind of texture. Anyways, it's just not like that at home.
John isn't going to Italy yet and may be in the US in August. Weird. We took a picture with Adrienne and I up on the bar, and John holding onto us for safety. I was scared.

Today we catch the bus to Brixham at 1. I plan to sleep on the 957 hour journey.

I'm going to work on my paper. No one has asked me to do anything, soooo here I am.

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