Feb 21, 2003

i had so much fun at the show tonight. the first band, i didn't like so much. breaking pangea was good (would recommend) .... armor for sleep was okay, and hey mercedes was nothing short of fantastic. they started out with eleven to your seven, which is my favorite, and is a great starting song. :D it was awesome to see them this time, b/c the first time i saw them was here at school and i didn't know their stuff, except a song or two i downloaded the week or so before they came b/c tim said they were good. i liked them, though. then when i saw them in providence (nov. '01 i think) it was great, and i think it was right after everynightfireworks came out, so i knew more songs. but this time it was a pretty small venue, not a giant crowd, we were right up front, i knew all the older songs, and it was an awesome show. their new songs are great so psyched!

the rest of the day was mediocre ... cut my hair ... returned bottles ... did grocery shopping.



p.s. the only other thing worth mentioning is my overuse of "totally" and other words and phrases (which was pointed out to me on at least two ocassions, both by people who i just met ... this makes me wonder - do i talk like this all the time, and my friends just accept it? hmmm) that make me sound ... mmmm like, say, Kelly from Saved by the Bell.
hahaha. it must end.

Feb 16, 2003

this weekend ... was only good times.

friday work was all right ... i was in the state room as usual, but i wasn't very busy. i made okay bank and had a pretty good night. paul introduced me to my new fav. bev. - guiness with a double of stoli vanilla mixed right in. i tried it during my shift and stayed after for a full one with some boneless buffalo wings (of course) and just chatting with paul and everyone. surprisingly, i didn't end up with a stomach ache. let me tell you how good this drink is - so good. at first, i think it's good b/c of the surprise of how it's not gross, and then it's just damn good. it's like cream soda kinda. mmmmmmmmmmmm

came home, got ready, and went out with kates. we didn't hit up random worcester club type deals, but we did go to irish times which strangely had a $5 cover (and, even more strangely we paid). weird crowd (and "crowd" is an overstatement, the place was far from maxxed out). upstairs - pretty empty. it was me and katie, bustin a move with an older than dad younger than grandpa guy and his date to some cheesy techno wooohoo. there were more guys working there than hanging out. so we stayed as long as we could take it, went back downstairs, ran into meliss (yeay!). she gave me the cutest vday present :) next, katie and i checked out the barfly, which was not as fun as the night before - mostly becuase there about 20 people there, about 8 of whom we recognized and didn't want to hang out with. so we quickly left and headed to the blarney, which was also pretty empty, but a handful of fun clark kids were there. that guiness was the only drink i had all night, so i was well rested saturday.

i can't say the same for last night, however.
yesterday was lay's 22nd and after katie and i did some laundry, a bunch of us went to the solomon pond mall, where we made a few key purchases, especially layla at aldo. i got some new sunglasses and a key new wallet that goes much better with my new bag. score. we picked up papa g's on the way back, put in my big fat greek wedding and started cracking open the cans of busch, which i found surprisingly enjoyable. i think i like busch better than bud light ... and it's so cheap! sean and jamie came by shortly thereafter and the beirut began. more people came over, there was a lot of beirut, a lot of intense flip cup, and suddenly the 30 pack and a bunch of other random beers were gone from the fridge by 1030. ridic. a half bottle of tequilla was gone too. we were drinking the genesse ice, it was all there was. we headed to the foo and it was good times. we went in the dancing room even though it wasn't open and no one kicked us out, eventually they just turned on the lights. everyone was drinking and dancing everywhere and richard actually knocked me on the ground. katie made friends with a british soccer coach. they exchanged phone numbers. i think she needs to date him, and then i need to get to know his cute (also british) friend who i briefly interacted with. hehe. we stopped by the blarney next, i think mostly just to break up the (wicked cold) walk home. when we got back here, craziness continued and i honestly have no clue what time i went to bed, i ended up sending a lot of random IMs and talking to mo forever.
all in all, a fun night.

today ... the morning was slightly rough, but i was good to go by around noon ... granted i was at work for 1030, but i shaped up in time for the customers and came home with serious cash - there aren't many ways you can make $131 cash in under 6 hours .... council was quick tonight, thank god, and now i need to go study for astronomy.

p.s. sometime soon there will be lots of pics up! i have two rolls of film to develop - mostly from last night. :)

Feb 14, 2003

yesterday, helena called & woke me up to ask (well, tell) me to come into work today, which i didn't really want to do but luckily tim took the shift and i not only go to sleep untill whenever i woke up (which was only 1015 or so, but still! no alarm!) and got our little network working (with dad's help) and took kate to the bus and ran errands blah blah blah. so productive! made dinner for the first time in weeks, sweet & sour chicken with rice, a salad, and we even had angel food cake with raspberries for dessert. i thought everyone was going to be home tonight, but it just ended up being me and kates. good dinner, though.
went to The Vagina Monologues with mariss. i was all ready to cry and be all wrecked, but it wasn't what i thought! it wasn't all about women being abused, no no, it was about women's empowerment .... through their vaginas. i laughed so much, and there were a couple of sad stories, but it was great! mo and i won a raffle (since we had the majority of the like 8 50 cent raffle tickets) and got shirts and pins although we hadn't really planned on it, because they didn't have change for my twenty, and really, it was for a good cause. So, we're all up on Vday.
took a nap (headache, grumpiness, shoulder and neck aches, apparently i'm a mess), felt better, went to hollywood with kate to do some returning and picked up final destination to fulfill any need for cheesy horror movies hat we might feel this weekend. then - we hit up the barfly. i was wearing fleece, forgot to leave my scarf in the car, had my bag .. kate was in a similar situation. we weren't expecting what the barfly was -- which was a weird mini club atmosphere with cheap beer and lots of the giant globes from pier 1 with crazy lights inside and a dj and fun music (different music in each room). who knew? you couldn't help but want to bust a move, but really, we were not in the appropriate gear or the appropriate mood.
looking forward to lunch with mum tomorrow ... and going out tomorrow night.
happy valentine's

Feb 12, 2003

so. yesterday i went to astronomy (aren't you proud?), culture & the news, and my office hour (and was productive!) hung around the beav, had cereal for dinner (cereal, clementines, bagels = all i now eat). Mariss had an exciting meeting that left her with some decision making for the week, and the chance to go somewhere like Africa or South America for the entirety of next year, and then enter the ID program. Of course I'll be sad if she isn't here with us for fifth year ... but I couldn't not be excited at the opportunity they gave her, the only thing that would have been better for her was to know this two months ago. What a great chance, though. Yeay Mo! On that note ... as great an opportunity as 5th year is, and i'm proud i got in and everything, but i'm a little bored with school lately. hopefully i can get a good internship for the summer, and that change of pace will give me the energy to finish the master's. blaaaah
tortilla sam's was good last night, although pretty empty. watched muppets take manhattan at john st. after. such a key movie. i haven't seen it in a long long time, but so great! late night, and i had to work this morning, which wouldn't have been bad except at 830 kate woke me up b/c helena called saying i needed to be in at 10 not 1030. managed to fall back asleep, and get to work on time. although lynn didn't get the message to be there early. no worries, though, b/c we were still set up 45 minutes early. :P boo to that. made some $. napped and attempted to do homework thisafternoon although the pdf file wouldn't open from the site the prof. sent us to. i think the class discussion covered it, though.
anyways. tonight we finally ordered from dp dough ... two thumbs up, although i feel a little sick, since it was the most "real meal" i've had in the past 5 days. ugh. making v-day plans with lay and kates ...
i am now going to attempt to pick up my room and watch don't say a word, but i'm a little afraid that i will just be giving myself nightmares by watching it alone ... we shall see.

Feb 10, 2003

i feel the need to write something, purely because i have my comp. back, and pipeline is up and running ... it took a few tries and a few minutes on the phone with patient and helpful Charter man (unlike the last one i talked to there ... boo abraham), but it's going strong now. so quick!
worked today, had a party of what was supposed to be 34 and turned into 38 ... a little crazy for one person, so it was lucky tim had decided to come in and train. i honestly don't know if anyone else was busy on the floor, because i was so busy in the state room. i was handing wine glasses to this girl who's training, and one dropped. i don't know whose fault it was, but then i dropped a plate a few minutes later, because these people were handing me six at once and i was trying to figure out how to carry the ones they wanted packed up. luckily what i dropped wasn't supposed to be going home. sometimes i just have the klutziest days there... what is up lately?
skipped out on council. went home and out to j&bs for dinner with the fam. everyone was really friendly and all "hiiiiiii jen! how arrrrre you?" Carolyn asked when i was coming back ... i just laughed and said i'd come and visit. it was dead there ... and they were playing country music. so glad i got out (sorry meliss). i didn't really chat, except with lori, but everyone looked well.
did some laundry (not enough, sadly, since i can't get the washing machine to work correctly for me), dug through stuff in my room and threw out a bunch of stuff, watched american dreams, and came back to the beav, where i've been intermittently talking with the girls, checking for viruses on their comps, setting up pipeline, and doing quite a bit of reading.
ready for sleep now ... nothing thoughtful to say.

Feb 9, 2003

saturday ...
didn't do much, and i should have done more homework. i did a little reading, watched t.v., made coffee (twice), and some dinner. i went to the grocery store (forgot milk). that's about it. i did apply online for a job at the boston beer company (sam adams), which sounds perfect, but which i doubt i would actually get. it's a start. i sent my resume to a couple of radio stations looking for interns, last week.
tonight, kate and i got stigmata at hollywood, which i liked, and drank box wine. i made a cover for a mix cd. thats really about it. in the bedroom is on now, and i'm about to go do some more homework.

Feb 8, 2003

so, the plan show was excellent. tim came, and i got to meet up with dan and kev, who i haven't seen in over a year - really. not that i got to catch up with them or really hang out - but - it was great to see them. the plan was good, not my favorite time seeing them, but totally good. i guess we're usually a lot closer ... but that's not exactly it. dan and i were discussing this briefly that travis sings all the songs different than how they go, but in the exact same way. it's just stuff like that... i dunno .. the show wasn't the same, but was still good. word is they'll be back in boston again in may, and you know i'll go.
the damn personals were definitely that good. i would get their cd and listen to it. les savy fav ... well, i could have done with out them ... mostly i just wanted them to finish & let the plan go on. they did start their set by playing "my neck my back" and have the crowd chant along, which was (i thought) the best part of their set. got a parking ticket ... which made no sense ... since when do residential zones have meters, and no signs saying it's a residential zone? boo. but anyways, if i had to park in one of those garages, it would have cost the same. i might whip up some sharp letter to send instead of paying the ticket (it worked a few years ago), but we shall see.
when we got back, it had started snowing (who knew?) when i went out to move my car today for the girl upstairs, i swear there was 7 inches of the absolute lightest, fluffiest snow i've ever seen. it was nuts. it didn't even look like snow, it looked like cotton. it was weird. two hours later there were a few more inches. it was an adventure to get out of the driveway - an adventure that had us blocking oliver street and me pushing my car with my landlord, mo's bf, and the guy from upstairs, to get it unstuck. the rest of the roads were just wet and coming home from work was fine ... just the driveway & the roads in my neighborhood that sucked. stopped snowing a few hours ago, which is nice, since it was supposed to snow till midnight. if it's warm at any point in the next few days, i think most of this stuff will melt away.
made no cash at work tonight. if they hadn't had 4 of us on, i could have made something like i would have made on a normal night. i did get free chicken parm out of it, though, being such a good trainer and all (ha). almost went to see a movie tonight, but decided against it. a glass of box wine and better off dead was much more tempting. i'd never seen it, so that's a plus. kate's reading, mo's sick and in bed ... and i'm just up .. but it's all good b/c i wasn't in much of a going out mood. i'm still maxxed out on the bar scene ... or lack of scene. "meet your valentine at the foo bar" ... all i can say is god help those who do. there needs to be somewhere great and more fun to go ... i haven't even been up for leit's and i have had so so so much fun there. i don't think it really has much to do with the not-drinking thing ... b/c for the past 2 months, that's been my gig, a few beers while we're out, dd, and i've still had a lot of fun ... and now i think i may have just seen enough of the blarney, the foo, and leit's ... way too much of them june - dec.....
it seems ridiculous but i think i'm going to hit up the shower. i'm cold.
kates and i were talking tonight about moving, and her going to grad school in wisconsin (after 5th year) ... kinda sounds like a plan. i want to do everything, and i definitely want to live somewhere else for awhile ... or everywhere else for awhile. i love new england ... but i'd really like to live in a better little city and meet some new people. not that i don't love everyone here in worcester, but really ...

Feb 6, 2003

the most interesting thing about yesterday was that i wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt for most of the day. while out on some errands i noticed my burgundy colored pants, pink scarf, and pink bag. yeah. apparently i like pink.
my PR class was pretty good, got my first paper back, with an A and great comments. awesome. our group is still working really well together - no one gets offended, really, when their ideas don't get used, and we just bounce things back and forth till we get the best, so i'm confident that our big project will come together really well ... whenever we start it.
had to bring my comp home last night to get virus junk wiped out, and i won't have it back for a few days, but thank goodness my dad is capable of doing those kinds of things.

woke up SO excited for the plan show! :D got an email from dan, he's going too, and we're gonna try to meet up, which would be awesome, since i haven't seen him since he played that show i set up in december 01!

and sometimes that music drifts through my car, on a spring night when anything is possible,
and i close my eyes, and nod my head, and count to a hundred and ten,
and i wonder how ya been, because you'll always be my hero
even if i never see you again.

Feb 5, 2003

did not hit up the laundrymat on monday. someday i'm just going to have to go. that day may be thursday. what an adventure, hm? haha
rock night at tortilla sam's was really good times. went late, aaron came, and it just all felt so much more energetic or something, i don't know, i just had a really great time. dad came down earlier in the evening and finished getting all our comps set up on our new lil network. unfortunately, we then found 8million viruses on my computer, that had some how gotten there in the two days that virus scan wasn't running. arrrgh. he got it straightened out, but it all started up again today. luckily i have no 500 page papers to write this week.
hung out at john st. after sam's. got up a little early today to pick up my new co-worker tim and bring him to the salv. he found some black pants and we got to work early. i'm never there 10 minutes early. work was pretty good. a little slow at first, but i left with more money than i used to make on my tueseday nights, so i was happy. i now have legit spending $ even if i don't have million-dollar-making nights over the weekend.
had two noteably awkward moments in a 12 hour period. fantastic.
tonight was low key .. class... mtv ... and i did a lot of nothing. my room is a mess, yet i felt compelled to watch an entire episode of felicity that i had never seen. i never saw any from the first season (which this episode was), and it's just as good as dougs said it was. it's practically 2. i might try to go to sleep or at least do something productive.

i miss my friends
they live next door

Feb 3, 2003

good weekend. couldn't sleep thursday night till about 6 am and had to get up before 10. my mind was just racing and it felt like my heart was super hyped up. maybe it was the cold medicine i took. friday abby's party was a bust but we "explored" some worcester bars. unfortunately, we didn't find any place i would desperately want to go again, but at least it was something new. had a reeeally late night (not that i would have slept anyways) and got up before 10 for mum and dad, who were coming down. we drilled holes and set up this whole network for our computers, all above the ceiling tiles. hott. this also forced mo and i into cleaning the bathroom and i vacuumed half the place. brew city for dinner with the girls. it was great to go out and no one had any worries. our gift certificates covered everything and we just had a good time. we had people over that night and it was more low-key than i was anticipating, but key people came who i never see, like b & sara. aaron and i did a power 10 minutes, with a 5 minute halftime. we're so hardcore. haha. i had maybe a whopping 6 or so beers, but it's more than i've had in a few hours since my birthday. ha. i made a ridiculously catty comment that i would never normally say outloud. woops. mo and i had a ridiculous argument with brendan that none of us cares that much about in actuality, but at the moment it was intensely upsetting that some one would just accept our current political state purely because "it's reality." not that i'm out staging sit-ins and chaining myself to things in protest, but i believe there can be something better. anyways, it was silly. somehow, i managed to stay up till 3. by then half the people had left, mo and i had wrestled, and aaron had ridden all over the house on mo's desk chair.
worked today. had to split a party with matty and only had 3 other parties. still did okay though. council sucked, and gave me a headache.
i seem to have lost my flip flops. i was wearing them approximately 3 hours ago .. now they are goners.
am considering going to the laundrymat at 830 am so i can have clean work clothes for the week, clean sheets, and be forced to do my reading for my 225 class. wanna come?