May 30, 2002

1234 am may 30

so i see last night's entry did not post. oh well, i will recap.

yesterday i worked the morning at crossroads, then came home to see my sis get ready and go to the prom. she and jon looked great, she was so pretty! i want to go to the prom! then i took mom & dad out to j&bs, which was nice. we were afraid the power would go out but it didn't.

soon after we got home, i got a pretty unexpected phone call. not entirely unexpected, but it came a little sooner than i thought i would, it was nice though. passed up a reason to go to boston, because i had a movie date with meliss. we saw insomnia. two thumbs up.

originally i thought i had to work lunch today but found out yesterday that i didn't (yeay). picked up the last of my europe pics from walmart (gaudi's chimneys and pics of kate on the beach, me on the beach, kate drinking sangria, me drinking sangria, and a few from the eleventh hour show in springfield a couple of weeks ago. went and got a new cell phone, exciting.

then off to j&bs where i came home with exactly $35. tomorrow is my last night, weeeird. i'm completely okay with it, considering how much i've worked between there and crossroads this month, i've pretty much OD'd on it, but it's always strange to leave for good when you've worked somewhere that long (2+ years) and know everyone's stories and husbands/boyfriends/childrens names and what they did last friday night.

last shift at CR at lunch, last j&bs for dinner, then my grandparents in the hiz-ouse when i get home. hmm.


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