Sep 7, 2002

tonight .... was another foo bar night, but another odd & fun one, like last week. everyone came back to school all over worcester and the foo is crazy.

kate and i ran into scott dolce on the way to the bar and he joined us . . .
scott: so ... are you guys 21?
kate: yes ....
scott (to me): because you look 16/17 ...
me: oh man ..... i'm 21... i'm a few months older than kate
scott: yeah, right

sad times

some boy kept trying to dance with me who i was not at all interested in. he makes $80,000 a year "i'm a conservationist" .... he actually talked about marrying me. it was ridiculous. i was in the story line of a hip hop video, i think.

paul was there from work, i like seeing people i know out.

aaron & john came of course, but both of them left after a bit for lietrim's, john's windmill in full effect, aaron following john so he could get his bag at his house.

bed time xoxo

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