Nov 7, 2002

hey, it's wicked cold outside.

we were out for over two hours today working on our capstone research thing. we got a lot of people to participate, so that was great, including one boy whose phone number kat got "in case we need to ask more questions," because mariss thinks i should date him. riiiight.

vin treated mo and i to dinner in the caf on his meal card b/c they were showing spiderman, pretty sweet.

and here i am ... nothing to do (yeay!) there is a show in the grind at 815, some electronica band, and i feel like i should go support clark and dave buttttt it's absolutely frigid out, and i dont think i'd be that into it. i feel bad. i think i'm going to watch t.v. for class ... that sounds so lame. it's so nice not to have anything actually due for once. same deal yesterday, soooo nice. video editing 10-12, maybe out with rachel and dori after, fun times... :)

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