Apr 14, 2002

I am at EasyEverything.
Things are fine, but writing a paper right now is not easy.
Kate and I have been here for 4 hours.
Due to the fact that a paper that asks you to "discuss" films is incredibly annoying to write (it's like rewriting your notes, just to prove you have them, I think), and that the lure of the internet and the aol immer are so overpowering, we are both only halfway there. Actually, I think I am more like 2/3 there, but I have to wait for Adam come back from the shower so I can copy&paste it to him again and have him see the number of words there. I hate this. I want my bed. :(
Tomorrow I have a final, then lunch with Kate, Karen, and Raffi, and then the afternoon to myself. I'll let you know what I do.

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